Smallville Season 8 finale

I will die if there is no season 9...

I saw the season finale this morning and I liked parts of it but I did not like the ending.
It left me with so many questions:

  • What really happened when Clark "flew" into the explosion with Doomsday?
  • What was the real reason for Clark not being at Jimmy's funeral?
  • Why did Davies kill Jimmy for a thing like that?
  • Why did Oliver shed a tear for Jimmy? Is he a softie?
  • Where did Lois go?
  • Why did Tess think that Lois stole the orb?
  • What was the deal with the legion guy in the beginning telling Clark that he would die tomorrow? (Clark did say at the end that he was dead but, why would Chloe see his ghost?)...
  • What the hell was up with the end??????? FUCK!!!

There you have my questions. And I want answers, real answers...

I had a thought: the one who has the orb can control the traveller because what's in the orb is the power of Zod. And now that Doomsday is gone he comes back to finish his job. Doomsday was just a "pet" of Zod's.

I need answers.


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